Thursday, January 8, 2015

The New Year's Race

hills Hills HILLS. I always forget about these hills! This is my 3rd New Year's Race and it was my 25th half marathon. I am a legacy runner for this race, and I think that I will continue to run it as long as I can to keep that status. I've ran inagural events before but never stuck it out or even thought about legacy status. I think it was in 2012 when I ran the LA marathon and saw "legacy runner" on someone that I wanted to figure out what that meant. Its funny how long I have been running, but how I am still finding lots of things out. This race was great, I knew what to expect already, and it is always nice to see the changes they make according to runner feedback. I think that 6pm start time was a great time. I love that I was able to take the Metro to pick up my bib and to run the race. This year they didn't give us a hoodie, but rather a long sleve running top, which I totally sported for the race. I also wore my purple tutu from my RNRLV race and my purple lights with my purple procompression marathon socks. I like when I can wear whatever I want because I really don't rock my purple socks enough! I was able to meet up with the half fanatics who were taking a group photo, but I didn't really talk any of them or make any pals :/ It looked like a lot of them were from the Pasadena pacers. If I have a career change that takes me to Pasadena I will be joining up ASAP. I ran this race without headphones, my second half marathon with no music. It went well and I think I like it better being able to be aware and chime in to what other runners might be saying. I didn't stop and take a lot of photos, because probably I have ran this race before, seen these sights, and also my iphone is usually full of kitten photos. I took a small unflattering video while I was running inside Dodger Stadium, yeah that's right INSIDE Dodger Stadium, that is the reward for all those hills! Oh they changed the medal this year, so now it looks more like the dodgers logo. I heard a lot of feedback on facebook that people didn't like it, but I really liked it. I also got a small legacy runner add on. This year I am keeping all of my medals and bibs together so I can make something cool. From last year I only have 2 bibs, and I am missing my RNRSEA and RNRLA medals. Now that I'm a Fanatic I am exposed to much more runners and see their creativity. Next up is the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disneyland! I'm going to be visiting the park for 3 days. I have a hotel room and am traveling with my neice. My cousins are going to come up Saturday night and come cheer me on and head to the park with us Sunday. I am so excited to have a cheering section, even though I know I won't see them I am almost always at races alone, so I am so happy that a race that I am so excited about I'll have some people to share it with!

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