Saturday, July 19, 2014


This morning I was woken up by my hip pain around 4:15am, the pain stayed with me for about an hour. I stretched, I medicated, and I had nothing left to do but wait it out. As I lay there in pain I could not help but think of the origins of this pain and reflect. I carry hardware in my right hip from an accident over 10 years ago. I have come leaps and bounds so its sometimes like a distant memory. There are times like these however that humble me and remind me that every step I take is a blessing. I essentially cheated death that night. I run because I can, because I love it and I want to, and because there was a moment in time where I couldn't so I'll never take it for granted again. With this latest serving of pain I gain perspective. I am truly blessed. #everyrunisablessing

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